About us - Ukrainian Society for Neuroscience

About us

About us

NGO "Ukrainian Society for Neuroscience" (USN) is a voluntary and self-governing social and scientific organization of citizens of Ukraine, who are employed at scientific and/or teaching jobs in the area of neuroscience. The society was founded in 1998. More than 100 Ukrainian scientists are USN members. USN is a member of the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies.
The president of the society is Dr. Prof. Acad. Oleg Krishtal.

The main goal of the society is the consolidation of the efforts of scientists for solving fundamental and applied scientific problems in different branches of neuroscience.

To achieve this goal the Society puts the following tasks:

  • coordination of research in neuroscience;
  • integration of research and education through intensification of research in higher school;
  • raising the international significance of the research in neuroscience, performed in Ukraine;
  • organization of scientific events (congresses, symposia, workshops, etc.).

If you are interested to join us, please follow this link.


Розпочато збір членських внесків за 2024 рік

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Школярі запрошуються до участі у Нейроконкурсі! Детальна Інформація на офіційному сайті. Переможець представлятиме Україну на міжнародному змаганні.

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