USN members participate in the organization and activity of many events.
The main Society's event is Congress organized once per three years. It is intended to provide a forum for neuroscientists working on molecular, structural and functional aspects of the nervous system to present and discuss their latest findings. Since the first Congress in 1998, this meeting attracts about 300 neuroscientists each time. Traditionally the Congress Program includes nationwide seminar of the students of Minor Academy of Sciences of Ukraine uniting students of high grades of secondary schools. They make scientific reports, attend lectures and become familiar with the work of neurobiological laboratories.
Also, USN participated in the organization of symposia "Ion channels trimming the brain" (September 24-26, 2015, Kyiv), "Molecular mechanisms of synaptic transmission regulation" (October 2012, Kyiv) and other meetings.
Annual workshop "Biophysical methods in neuroscience" is organized in Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology and allow university students to attend lectures of leading scientists and practical courses with modern laboratory techniques.
Since 2010 USN participate in Brain Awareness Week in Ukraine. Scientific 'round tables' and lectures promote the science of the brain among many people. Regular workshop for junior school students is necessary to introduce the basics of neuroscience to young people.
Also, USN is the co-organizer of the Ukrainian Brain Bee competition.
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