FENS - Ukrainian Society for Neuroscience



Federation of European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) is the biggest association of European neuroscientists. It gathers more than 24000 of members in 33 counties. Ukrainian Society for Neuroscience is a part of FENS and our members may use all of the benefits of FENS membership.

FENS activity includes several main directions. They organize the great conference - FENS Forum which is held once per two years. Members pay a reduced registration fee and may apply for the travel grant. Many USN members use this possibility to attend different events.

Also, FENS supports and organize a number of educational and training programs which give the possibility to study the new approaches in neuroscience from leading researchers. Mostly these programs give advantages for researchers at early stages of their career (graduate and postgraduate students, postdocs). 

FENS publish one of the high-impact neuroscientific journals - European Journal of Neuroscience. All members have free online access.

Also, the Federation maintains activity dedicated to the promotion of neuroscience among non-experts. They support Brain Awareness Week, project "History of European Neuroscience", International Brain Bee, etc.

USN membership is the easiest way to join this community of neuroscientists. Follow this link to know how to become a member.




Розпочато збір членських внесків за 2024 рік

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