Kostyuk Award - Ukrainian Society for Neuroscience

Kostyuk Award

Biomedical scientists working in Ukraine are invited to apply for consideration as candidates for the Kostyuk Award presented by Kostyuk Foundation and Shevchenko Scientific Society. Candidates with PhD/Cand.Sci. degree received no longer than 10 years ago (by an application deadline) will be considered. They should present: one page CV (in English), one page personal statement about achievements and goals (in English), and recent (up to 3 years) most important publication in any of the following languages: English, Russian, Ukrainian.

Selection criteria
Applications are reviewed by the scientific committee and scored based on:
•    Originality/innovativeness;
•    Shown ability to make most of available resources;
•    Significance of the idea;
•    Significance of obtained results;
•    Scientific merit of the applicant and publications.
Each category has a 5-level scoring (25 points total). Selection is done by vote among foreign experts. If two candidates scored the same, they share the Award.

Deadlines are announced one time per year. Please regularly check the Kostyuk Foundation web sites and NASU news for this year announcement.
The recipient(s) of the Kostyuk Award will be recognized by a commemorative plaque and personal cash award (25,000-50,000 hryvnyas) during a special meeting at Bogomoletz Institute of Physiology, Kiev, Ukraine. The recipient(s) are expected to give a 15 min talk about their work at the award ceremony.

More information:


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